Another year is coming to a close. With so much to reflect upon it makes me realize we have much to be thankful for. The end of the year offers a perfect opportunity to thank God for all the ways he has provided for us this year. And we are so thankful. A friend of mine was telling me that her sister, who just spent a couple of months in a third world country as part of her schooling, was admitting that this year she thought she would have a hard time with Christmas. Coming from the U.S. and a nice middle class family, she had been sharing a home with a family where the floor was packed dirt and they literally ate beans and rice every day she stayed there. Ususally for more than one meal a day.

The children who lived in the home were getting ready for Christmas and were very excited, as almost all children are. The visiting student learned what the children would be getting for Christmas, the source behind all of the excitement. An orange. They would recieve as their Christmas gift a single orange. And their excitement matched that of any american child who would be showered with gobs of toys. Amazing right?

You know, it makes me realize that yes, the gifts are fun, the food is yummy, but the thing I'm most excited for today is the opportunity to celebrate the birth of Jesus. I wasn't always this way, it used to be all about the presents for me, but the older I get the more I realize that Jesus really is what it's all about.

I was reflecting in church today about this. We all get caught up in the gift giving and the gift recieving. (except for Troy) But I was struck once again with the thought that if there was nothing else, Jesus is enough. Then I thought, would Jesus be enough? I know Jesus should be enough. My human nature struggles with this. I like stuff! Giving it, recieving it, even looking at it. But what does the stuff do for me in the long run? It clutters my house, it doesn't satisfy, and it leaves me wanting more.
Seth's big bass! |
Not Jesus. He is the only one that satisfys the longing of my heart. He is always there, always current, always the same, always knows what I need and even what I desire. Best of all He loves me. And He wants what's best for me. And His best is possible for me, if I just do what He tells me to do.

So I am thankful for this day. And I am thankful for the opportunity I have to teach my sons what this day is truly about. Not the presents, not the toys, but the greatest gift this world will ever know, the gift of a Savior.
Soccer Stud Seth! |
Please join my family today as we celebrate. This year I'm going to work on not getting caught up in all the stuff, and instead focus on getting caught up in Jesus. Want to join me?
Enjoy a few of the pictures of some of this past years activities. The boys played soccer, we all tried out Silver Birch Ranch's new zip line, we traveled to Canada and Illinois, the boys got free tickets to a Brewer game (they are now fans) and we went ice skating on the lake last week, to name a few of the highlights. Thank you for being a part of our lives. We are greatful for all of the people god has brought into our lives over the years. We are abundantly blessed. Merry CHRISTmas!
Enjoying the newly discovered Beabers Cove in Canada |
Go Brewers! |
Two of the NBI girls, Alexa and Megan also known as our daughters. |
Chilling in Illinois at the Fall Festival. |
We had family pictures taken this fall. I love the results! Thanks Craig! |
picture taking is so much fun |
Merry Christmas! |
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