My mother would make it and we would drink it by the gallons.
In my opinion it is even better than hot chocolate. There is nothing better to warm my insides after a day spent outside playing in the cold snow.
I have no idea why it is called Russian tea. None of the ingredients have anything very Russian about them. This recipe was passed down from my Aunt to my Mom and from my Mom to me. And now from me to you!
It has been a few years since I have had any of the tea made up for the holidays. Recently Hunky Hubby reminded me about it, thinking the boy tribe would enjoy it.
He was so right!
Let me share the recipe, so that your family can enjoy it too.
* disclaimer:
This tea has no health benefits. It just tastes good!
Collect your ingredients:
I was able to find everything at my local Wal-mart store.
You will need:
4 Cups instant lemonade powder
2 Cups TANG
1 Cup instant unsweetened tea
1 tsp cinnamon
3/4 tsp ground cloves
Stir it all together. I like to mix all of my ingredients into a big bowl, and then transfer it to a storage jar.
I keep mine in a jar on the counter. Doesn't it look pretty? Sometimes I think it should be called tiger tea because of the stripes that appear when you pour it in a jar.
Add about 3 TBS to a mug and fill with hot water.
Stir, and enjoy!
The flavor is very citrusy and not very tea like. That's why my kids like it. But the spices add just the right amount of something to make it delicious.
You can make a large batch and fill up mason jars to pass out to friends as Christmas presents. Trust me, they will thank you for it.