Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
We like to celebrate this holiday in our house. Well, I like to celebrate it. But it isn't hard to get the boys involved.
So this week I made plans for us to have a little Valentine celebration.
For just a few dollars you can pick up a few decorations to make a festive and fun table for the family.
The boys also got involved in the decorating by cutting out hearts, and making me some Valentin'e day cards.
A little crepe paper, some home made heart garland, and it looks like a veritable Valentine extravaganza!
Don't you just love it?
I do.
Especially the home made cards.
They are so precious.
Let me quote one for you: "P.s. I really, really, really love you. Thank you for being my teacher, cook, mom, caretaker, adviser instructor, and thank you for loving me."
Doesn't that make your heart just melt?
I couldn't share the main message of the card, but trust me, that boy was being real and letting out his raw, true feelings in a sweet and loving way.
I can just imagine the love letters he'll write to his wife one day. He's starting out good!
My personal favorite decoration I picked up at Wal-mart:
Mustache straws!!!
Isn't it crazy that one day my little boy might be able to grow one of these bushy, fuzzy things on his very own lip? I hope not. I like the fake ones a lot, but the real ones. Well, let's just say, it takes a special man to pull it off. And he's usually wearing cowboy boots and dirty dungarees.
My middle son made me a flower vase. I'm sure when it's all done it will be painted up in a glorious fashion! I kinda got it in it's raw undone form. But it's the thought that counts!
A jar full of candy makes a festive table centerpiece. Plus the boys were excited about all they would get to eat. They are currently rattling the walls upstairs. They are supposed to be working quietly.
We made Red Velvet Pancakes for breakfast this morning. To get them in a heart shape, because that's the only shape that would have been acceptable this morning, I used a ziploc bag and a frosting tip.
You may accidentally have pancake batter pooling on your counter top if you are a messy cook like me. But it all washes up.
Aren't they pretty?
Here's the recipe. I got it off of Pinterest. But I don't think it is pinned and now it's lost in cyber space somewhere. You could probably Google it.

So, I mustache you a question . . .
How does your family celebrate Valentine's Day?

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