Fifty Shades of Grey is a movie coming out in Theaters this weekend that I will not be going to see and I don't think you should either. It is based on a New York Times Best Selling trilogy written in the genre of erotica. I am especially disappointed that this film is coming out in anticipation of Valentine's Day weekend. I am sad that our culture is embracing the ideas about sex and romance portrayed within this book series.
Let me be clear, I did not read the Fifty Shades Trilogy and I won't be. However, I was concerned when I discovered how popular this trilogy has been, especially among women within the Church. I wanted to educate myself on the issue and I was offered the following book for free in exchange for my review by icon media group.
It is called, 'Pulling Back the Shades - Erotica, Intimacy, and The Longings of a Woman's Heart' by Dannah Gresh and Dr. Julie Slattery.
(I wrote a book review on a book by Dannah Gresh called Get Lost, your guide to finding true love, that you can find here)
I am so thankful that they took the time to write this book.
They write with a definite love and concern for women and their relationships. They also weave scripture throughout the book and their love for God is very evident. Their writing is very real, down to earth and understanding.
Here is one quote; "This book is not meant to be merely a reaction to the Fifty Shades of Grey series. Ultimately it is about YOU - your longings, your questions, and your wholeness as a spiritual and sexual woman."
You see, neither of these authors believes that sex is bad. On the contrary, when practiced within the boundaries of marriage, they both believe in the beauty, pleasure and wonderfulness of a healthy sex life. They believe that a healthy sexual relationship with your spouse is Biblical and a gift from God.
They did not write this book to tell you not to have sex, but to tell you how to have the BEST sex life.
This book is not written just to the married woman but also the single woman. The authors talk about her desires and dilemma's as well.
No one is going to argue that sex is important. I also don't think anyone would argue that our society has redefined sex and that the common idea about sex is far from where God designed it to be. The author of the Fifty Shades series has been quoted to say that her agenda behind this series was to redefine morality.
These Authors want to do what they can to help bring our hearts back to a healthy and Godly perspective of our sexuality.
If you have ever read the Fifty Shades series, been tempted to read it or enjoy reading books like it, please read this book. If you have friends, loved ones, or neighbors who read erotica, if you aren't sure what erotica is or what to think about it, and if you don't understand what is so harmful about erotica, please, please take the time to educate yourself and read this book. It would be a great book to read through with your teenage daughter, your youth group or college Bible study.
Let's be honest, women become addicted to erotica just like men become addicted to pornography. In fact both activities are equally damaging to a relationship. These temptations are all around us and abundant.
Lets band together and decide to be different. Let us embrace a healthy and Godly perspective of sex and sexuality and encourage each other in that pursuit. That is what this book is about and why it is important to read.
Also, let's make a statement about the movie coming out. We need movie producers to know that this is not our idea of good entertainment. I'm not going to see it in the box office or on DVD . Who wants to join me in boycotting this film?
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I (Jesus) have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
John 10;10

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