I was invited to join a facebook group by my old college girlfriend, Cheri from over at tinkerwiththis.blogspot.com, called '52 a week'. It's a photography challenge to take one photo per week for a year and post it on the group page. Every week will have a theme for you to work with. Since I really want to use my camera more and figure out how to use it better and take better quality photo's, this sounded like a great idea. I'd heard of people doing a photo a day, and although that sounds fabulous, it also sounds really overwhelming and a bit like overkill. So once a week is good. I'm going to try and post my photo on the blog each week, but I missed doing that last week so I included it below. Last weeks theme challenge was 'new'. Can you guess what this weekes theme challenge was? (that's what the above pic is for) Leave a comment and let me know what your guess is!

I think the theme is "blue," but only cuz I also happened to see Cheri's post too!
Well Jen, that's called cheating. :) But you're right.
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