It's a little bit bigger, and it is facing a different direction than the old cabin. The inside of the cabin isn't completely done yet, but I thought I would give you a sneak peak into what is going on inside. I'm not going to let you see the big picture until it's complete. However, I'll give you some close ups of the details. I don't want to spoil the fun of the big reveal when it's all done. So, are you ready? Here we go . . .
No, I'm not going to tell you what everything is and where it's at in the cabin. You'll have to wait for the big reveal. You can anticipate some pretty unique and awesome elements in this cabin. We wanted to go all out and make this cabin really unique. I say we, because Hunky Hubby let me help out with choosing some of the decor for the cabin. It should be all put together in about a week or two. It's going to be really cool. So keep watch, I'll post again when it's all done. (except the outside, that won't be finished until this summer)
Maybe you should think about coming up for a visit and seeing it for yourself. The pictures won't do it justice. It'll be much better in person.

I'm not sure if all who read this can see my comments but just in case you can. Trust me I have seen some of what they are doing inside, it is awesome and very unique I guess is how I would word it. I have never seen anything like it, not even close. So come on up for a visit!
Yes Mom, if you leave a comment, everyone can see it. Thanks for the compliments, it's gonna be great! Some more elements were put into place yesterday. It's very exciting.
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