Now you all know I love my boys.
I love home schooling them.(most of the time)
I love being with them. (most of the time)
But there is one thing that has been hard to get since becoming a mama.
Alone time.
Peace- and-quiet.
Especially in my own house.
So when my parents said they would take the kids for a few days, I started to feel giddy! I almost started laughing hysterically before they all left.(don't worry, I kept it in until they were gone) I could hardly contain my excitement. To be home, alone. Oh bliss!
All of my options started lining up and marching through my brain. I started to feel dizzy as the options kept swirling and twirling and teasing me with their amazingness. Oh what things I could do without having to worry about my little people. Or make meals for them. Or settle a sibling squabble. Or do school with them.
How could I maximize this quiet time gift that I had been given?
It was all too much so I left the house.
I went for a horse back ride.
Then I hijacked my husband and we went for an overnight stay at a very nice home that belongs to some people my brother-in-law knows.(of course I forgot the camera on the counter at home and I don't know how to get photo's off my phone onto the computer because I don't have one of those fancy smart phones)
I came home to silence. So I read a book, took a nap, went for a brisk walk (where I didn't have to stop even once) and made dinner for company.
Then this morning I had the privilege of waking up to an empty house. My hubby gets up early on Wednesdays to go to his men's Bible study.
I can't remember the last time I woke up all alone in my own house.
The weather was so nice, that I decided to move the furniture out onto the porch and fully absorb the beauty around me while doing my quiet time.
That's peace and quiet right there people.
So very, very, nice. No interruptions.
Just me, my Bible and God's beauty right in front of me.
Oh, and the dog.
Now if I could just get my sister to quit calling me! Sheesh! :)
Do you see that look of peace and contentment in my eyes? That look of wonder and amazement?
Ahhhhh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I know one day, all I will have is alone time. The kids will be grown, and I'll still be here. And when that happens, I'll be sad. I'll miss them. I'll miss the noise and chaos and mess.
But not today! I've got 8 hours of solitude left.
I am going to relish every second!
Let's keep it real people. You know you're just wishing someone would come take your kids for a day or two. Maybe even just an hour.
So, I'm off. I just realized I forgot to eat today. Whoops.
Plus, I better get to my cleaning. (Not very glorious I know, but this way it will actually stay clean for a little while. Until I bring the boys home on Friday) Besides, this alone time wasn't preplanned so I wasn't able to gather the materials for a project. And my sewing machine situation still isn't quite fixed, although I'm getting there. So really, what's left? Cleaning. But I think I'll at least blast some music and turn it into worship time. Besides, I can't remember the last time I mopped the floors, so it really does need it.
And there you have it: this is the real life of a house wife.

1 comment:
Love it, Love it, Love it!!!
You look beautiful and content. I'm sure it's a much deserved break.
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