Monday, September 24, 2012


These flowers come up in my flower beds every year.
I have no idea what they are called. They were planted here long before I moved in. Isn't that fun? Someone, wanted to beautify the yard outside my home and chose these yellow puff balls.  That person must have enjoyed this type of flower. Now I get to enjoy it too.
These flowers have stalks that are about 6 feet tall and skinny.  So skinny, in fact, that once the flowers are in full bloom they bend the stalks over almost to the ground.

I suspect they are of the Chrysanthemum variety.
It doesn't really matter.
I'm just happy that they are there.

Their sunny orbs brighten my yard and make me smile.
I love the fullness of the flower.
They are beautiful.

What do you have blooming in your yard that you really enjoy?

Thanks for stopping by -
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